The Career Pathways Series has an entertaining, interactive format with full-motion, high-quality video and audio that appeals to the students. It is truly the only career exploration system on the market that meets the students at a level they understand and enjoy – MTV, VH1, Disney format. The CD-ROMs and videos have young enthusiastic hosts and hostesses and uses a high tech interactive interface which keeps their interest.
The more in tune the student becomes with their career choices, the more they will want to use and explore the wealth of information and data that is available to them in their state system. However, we must first get their total attention – Career Pathways interactive, high-tech multimedia CD-ROMs gets students attention immediately and keeps it. To
meet the needs of our customers, we have worked hard incorporating some
fantastic new features in our CD-ROMs. These include the entire OOH
“Occupational Outlook Handbook”, Internet access for instantaneous
statistical updates, and now the CDs are fully networkable and upgradeable. Also with Internet access we now have added over 50 direct links to additional career exploration resources, such as national and international career and college searches, help on obtaining financial aid and scholarships, and much, much more. View our newest Catalog and pricing information - We have provided our entire catalog for you to download and view. See a complete listing of the careers in each pathway and volume. Contact Us if you would like to order or receive more information about this product. |