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Career Pathways2003 Catalog

Printing of information in the Career Pathways TM catalog is best done using the PDF Logo PDF files that are provided. 

PDF Logo PDF (Portable Document Format) files are created by Adobe Acrobat software and can only be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not already have this viewer configured on a local drive, you may download it at no cost from Adobe's Web site.

Acrobat software is based on the PostScript TM page-description language. The Acrobat Reader allows you to view electronically published documents on-screen at the highest possible resolution exactly as they were published. Some files may be difficult to read from the screen. However, the Reader will allow you to print these publications accurately on PostScript or non-PostScript printers. 

CD-Rom Packages - 2.29 MB

VHS Cluster Packages - 146 KB

Individual Career Videos - 31.9 KB

Multimedia Packages - 175 KB

Career Pathways Posters - 464 KB

Other Career Pathways Products - 145 KB