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Software Department

Technimedia Studios can develop and produce an Interactive CD-ROM program to be used for promotional & marketing purposes. We design and create a layout for the program in the form of a flow chart. This includes a main page using professional created graphics and various branching options. We capture video and audio clips from our clients current video program and make branching buttons to provide the user with options to enhance their learning experience. Just a few of the software programs used are Visual Basic, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe After Effects.


Recent Projects



Auburn Career Center School recruitment orientation CD-ROM
Career Discovery Encyclopedia Career education software
Career Pathways (18 CD-ROMs) Career education software
Career Pathways Online Career education web program
Career Pathways System (19 CD-ROMs) Career education software
Career Planet Launch Pad Career education software
Careers in Medical Laboratory Sciences Career education CD-ROM
Forbes Road Career & Technology Center School recruitment orientation CD-ROM
Job Readiness Skills (9 CD-ROMs) Getting a job education software
Mayfield Excel Tech School recruitment orientation CD-ROM
Mid-East Ohio Vocational School District School recruitment orientation CD-ROM
Pioneer Career & Technology Center School recruitment orientation CD-ROM
Saint Peter's College College recruitment orientation CD-ROM
Steel Center AVTS School recruitment orientation CD-ROM
Tech In Action Technology book supplement
Wilson Technological Center School recruitment orientation CD-ROM