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Career Pathways Online       

Career Pathways Online delivers all of the same great features and high quality video and features that are found in the Career Pathways CD-ROM System to schools via the internet.






Career Pathways Individual Career Cluster & Careers           

Career Pathways is an interactive, entertaining, career exploration line of products developed to get and keep students attention through the use of high quality multimedia. Individual Career Pathways products are available for specific careers or clusters for individual classroom instruction.

No other Career Exploration product line on the market compares with Career Pathways. Why? Because, Career Pathways gets and keeps students attention by the use of high quality video. The videos and CD-ROMs have young enthusiastic hosts and hostesses. The interface used to navigate on the CD-ROMS and Career Pathways Online are extremely easy to use.

Career PathwaysCareer Pathways can be used in many ways. Schools use this system as a career exploration curriculum, in guidance offices, in career labs, libraries, and as a great enhancement to any state career information system. In fact, MOIS, Michigan Occupational Information System, has recognized Career Pathways as exemplary and has contracted with Technimedia Studios to make a customized Career Pathways version to link directly to the MOIS system.

The more in tune the student becomes with their career choices, the more they will want to use and explore the wealth of information and data that is available to them in their state system. However, we must first get their total attention – Career Pathways interactive, high-tech multimedia CD-ROMs gets students attention immediately and keeps it.

Here is what a few of our customers have to say about Career Pathways:

"The Career Pathways System meets the needs of a diverse population of students from different financial and cultural backgrounds. Our guidance counselors now have the tool to reach our kids and give them the opportunity to explore careers they would otherwise never know about"

Alvin Brown
Kankakee High School
Kankakee, IL

"Career Pathways is great! The students love it. The information available is endless - students can find everything and anything they are looking for and they actually have fun looking. We have been using this software for a few years and it just continues to expand and improve. The support personnel are the best - no problem is ever a problem."

Dee-Dee Cicarelli
Career/Industry Liaison
Forbes Road Career and Technology Center
Monroeville, PA

"I would like to commend you on "Career Pathways". I have been using it for two years now and I think it's wonderful. I run the Career Center at Bret Harte High School and work with the entire student population. The students find it easy to use as well as fun. The full motion video and audio are excellent. The information is accurate and extensive. The assessment is easy and I love the fact that the questions can be read "aloud" to the students through the computer. This program is very user friendly for the special needs students. I also love the fact that a student can go from the assessment to the Occupational Outlook Handbook and immediately get detailed information about their chosen career. We are all here to help students succeed and "Career Pathways" is a wonderful tool. I highly recommend it."

Debbie Raffetto
Career Technician
Bret Hare High School
Altaville, CA